How games help to decompress work environments and integrate teams

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How games help to decompress work environments and integrate teams

Post by bitheerani93 »

Games can make work environments friendlier
With the corporate world becoming increasingly demanding, making work environments more friendly is an essential task for any company that wants to innovate. There are many deadlines to meet and goals to achieve. However, setting aside time to relieve the pressure of everyday life does not mean disrupting the smooth flow of demands. On the contrary, it helps to increase productivity, happiness and team health. A good tool to help teams decompress in this sense is games.

There are currently two practical applications of games in azerbaijan phone number list work: gamification and the use of games as entertainment during breaks. Both models are important allies in employee integration. In the months of June and July, articulating some of these concepts, the Santa Catarina Technology Association invites its companies to participate in the ACATE Digital Football Cup, a get-together between associates from all over the state. See below for more information.

On the ACATE Blog , you've already seen how diversity and inclusion can drive innovation. You've also seen tips for more humane treatment in companies , improvements in people management , and PeopleTech trends for 2022. Among these, the use of interactive gaming strategies to improve relationships between employees and stimulate creativity.

Gamification, as this process is called, does not necessarily consist of putting video games in offices, but rather adapting routine activities, making them seem like a game. In this way, work stops being seen as boring and gradually becomes something fun.

All games have objectives to be achieved. This is no different for companies. In order for them to grow, each team develops its own strategies, making its objectives clear and setting targets to achieve them. Applying the logic of games to everyday business makes everything more dynamic, increasing cooperation, engagement and results.

Using games for decompression
Similar to the act of gamifying work relationships, an attitude that has been taken by several organizations — to make their tasks more enjoyable and motivating — is to allow their members to rest and relax in times of stress, making consoles and desktops available in leisure areas.

In these cases, games do not need to be related to the demands themselves. They simply serve to clear the mind, relax and temporarily disconnect people from their tasks, bringing benefits to individuals' mental health.

Just like playing sports, video games can stimulate serotonin, the feel-good hormone. When employees play a game together, for example, they develop bonds of friendship and empathy. They may even laugh, which can reduce the risk of illness and sick leave.

Large Silicon Valley corporations, such as Google and Facebook, were the first to invest in so-called “decompression rooms” — physical spaces reserved in companies for teams to develop hobbies and have fun together. Many of them are filled with leisure options, such as games, books, musical instruments, TVs, sofas for conversations, tables for snacks, hammocks for naps, etc.

In these environments, where coexistence and interaction between people are encouraged, games therefore play not only an entertainment role, but also an improvement in the organizational climate.

In addition to promoting a relaxed atmosphere — entertaining employees and making them happier, more satisfied and more productive — games can improve communication and expression skills. By achieving game objectives, individuals gain confidence and self-esteem, awakening their competitive and collaborative sides.

Interacting with other players or completing a mission together strengthens connections between team members. These bonds can often extend beyond the screen, inspiring team spirit.

Competing in a playful environment also generates learning. When you see a colleague leveling up or evolving in a game, other players will hardly want to be left behind. Learning how to win and lose in games is satisfying and allows for healthier competitions in the corporate environment.
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