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Wich can sometimes exceedhe

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:28 am
by Rakhirandiseo
Maxim Eremenko, Director of the Sberbank Center for Management and Development of Competencies for Data Research, drew attention to the fact that excessive restrictions on working with personal data can significantly undermine the effectiveness of their use, and therefore it is desirable to more clearly define the boundary between the open and closed parts of such data. He drew an analogy between legal restrictions and drugs, the side effects ofbeneficial effect. Maxim Eremenko, in particular, insists that it is always necessary to obtain the client's explicit consent to the processing of his personal data.
Alexey Sokolov rightly noted that everything in the issue under discussion comes down to determining the scope of consent of subjects to the collection and processing of data about them. Receiving free services from certain platforms in exchange for access to our information, we consciously sacrifice our privacy. According to him, proposals have been made to create an institution for managing such consent with the ability to both give and revoke it, but so far this issue is still under discussion.
Consent issues are closely related to the transition of data into an macedonia whatsapp data category. For a number of the world's largest companies by capitalization, data is the main asset and source of income. According to Vladislav Onishchenko, today the country faces the task of organizing the data market and regulating it.

1C lawyer Valery Pushchin recalled that at one time there were proposals to equate data as an asset to property, but the idea was not supported, since it was in conflict with international obligations and international practice. It is not always clear how to properly sell and buy data, especially those that have open status. Alexey Blagirev drew attention to this.

Re: Wich can sometimes exceedhe

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 4:58 pm
by xylanth