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What is a title tag and an H1 tag?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:32 am
by sharminakter
Headings don’t just help organize the content of a web page and make it easier to read. They’re also a vital part of good technical SEO. That is, search engine optimization (SEO) measures that make it easier for search engine bots to crawl and index web pages (simply put, “read” the pages and rank them accordingly). If bots can’t crawl a page, they can’t rank it.

Don’t let the term “technical” scare you. Technical SEO simply refers to practices that have nothing to do with the actual content of the website. Instead, it focuses on the infrastructure of the site, such as using different headings. Title tags are an easy way to improve the technical SEO of any homepage.

There are different types of title tags, categorized by numbers, from H1 to H6. Each title serves a different purpose, giving search engine crawlers like Googlebot useful information about the page. This guide focuses on how to use H1 tags to improve your SEO results:

A web page or blog post can have multiple headings. Hypertext uae telegram data Markup Language (HTML) tags are used to differentiate between heading types. An HTML tag is basically just a piece of code that tells your computer's web browser how to display the content. An H1 tag might look like this:

The code (<h1></h1>) tells the browser how to display the text “This is an H1 tag”. The different types of heading tags indicate the titles on a web page.

It’s not just about providing information to search engine robots. It also allows for a more structured and user-friendly experience for the user. Large chunks of text are hard to read on screen, and headings make it easier to read.

In this article about Semrush tools for web writing , you will easily find the H1 tag in the source code:

This is what the h1 tag looks like to users visiting the page:

The H1 tag is considered the most important. Why? It is primarily the title of the page. The H1 title tag is a key ranking factor and search engine robots use it to know what a page is about. It is also usually the most visible content on the page for the reader, since H1 content is traditionally displayed larger on screens (although this is not a requirement).

Re: What is a title tag and an H1 tag?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 5:02 pm
by xylanth