Where are category descriptions most often placed?

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Where are category descriptions most often placed?

Post by nusaiba124 »

There are 3 most common solutions in this regard:

1. Publishing category descriptions below the product list.

2. Splitting descriptions, which means that a small part of japan telegram data it is visible above the goods, and the remaining content - below them. This is a kind of compromise between SEO and User Experience.

3. Publishing the entire description above the products, but only displaying a small part of it. The rest of the description can be read by clicking the "Read more" or "Learn more" button.

What should a good category description in an online store include?
The content in your store cannot be random. This is definitely not a place for the proverbial pouring of water. Before you start writing category descriptions, conduct keyword research and find out what information your customers are looking for.

Make sure that your texts are informative, specific, and interesting to your readers. Although no two category descriptions are the same (or at least they shouldn't be), it's worth trying to include the following elements in each of them:

Product description in the category
What to write about in the category description? Of course, about the products that make up the category. Briefly describe what characterizes the goods in a given segment. You can mention their special features, but also, for example, the manufacturers from whom they come.

You can also point customers to a few specific products that you particularly recommend.
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Re: Where are category descriptions most often placed?

Post by xylanth »

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