The "search window" on smartphone EC has a big impact on purchase rates
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:46 am
How do users purchase products when they access an EC site?
According to a smartphone EC survey conducted by NTT Resonant Inc. in March 2020, the most common first action when purchasing a desired product is "following the category" (43.9%), followed by "keyword search" (29.7%), with these two accounting for 70% of the total. As most
smartphone EC sites do not have a category search menu, the performance of "keyword search" can be said to be an important point.
Figure 02
The most important thing about smartphone EC sites is the search box
If you look at the smartphone sites of major EC malls, you will see that they have a large search window at the top of the page, and the search window follows as you scroll the page.
This means that the "search window" is very important for smartphone EC sites.
On a smartphone, you enter product keywords costa rica whatsapp data into this search window to search for products, but there are various search situations, such as on the train on your way to work or during a break at work. The
"search window" must have a function that allows you to search for products efficiently in various usage scenarios.
The function required for this search window is an excellent suggest function.
Suggest literally means "to suggest."
For example, if you are looking for a refrigerator, just enter "cold" and the function will automatically suggest "refrigerator," "freezer," "cooling fan," etc., based on the intention that the user will likely enter after the keyword.
According to a smartphone EC survey conducted by NTT Resonant Inc. in March 2020, the most common first action when purchasing a desired product is "following the category" (43.9%), followed by "keyword search" (29.7%), with these two accounting for 70% of the total. As most
smartphone EC sites do not have a category search menu, the performance of "keyword search" can be said to be an important point.
Figure 02
The most important thing about smartphone EC sites is the search box
If you look at the smartphone sites of major EC malls, you will see that they have a large search window at the top of the page, and the search window follows as you scroll the page.
This means that the "search window" is very important for smartphone EC sites.
On a smartphone, you enter product keywords costa rica whatsapp data into this search window to search for products, but there are various search situations, such as on the train on your way to work or during a break at work. The
"search window" must have a function that allows you to search for products efficiently in various usage scenarios.
The function required for this search window is an excellent suggest function.
Suggest literally means "to suggest."
For example, if you are looking for a refrigerator, just enter "cold" and the function will automatically suggest "refrigerator," "freezer," "cooling fan," etc., based on the intention that the user will likely enter after the keyword.