Advanced Persuasion Techniques for Telemarketers

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Advanced Persuasion Techniques for Telemarketers

Post by Noyonhasan574 »

The sales rep's mindset should be that every prospect still needs to sell. Qualified leads definitely increase your chances of converting a lead into a sale, but sales reps still need to sell to them. "Every lead has the same value." This is not true. We recommend building a structured matrix to categorize each qualified lead. % of leads who meet your criteria should receive different follow-up than leads who only meet your minimum criteria. It’s important to have a plan in place to nurture those prospects who won’t buy from your organization right away.

"The bigger the company, the greater the potential for sales." This bahamas phone number resource is not always true. Statistically speaking, larger organizations generally do make larger purchases. This leads us to believe that focusing on these whales will lead to better sales results. Savvy sales managers know that successful sales teams balance sales efforts between large and small companies. When you sell to a large company, that usually means a longer sales cycle. If you focus all your attention there, you may be putting all your eggs in too few baskets.


The bottom line is that every account, no matter how big or small, has potential for your organization (assuming they meet your minimum requirements for new customers). If sales reps focus all of their attention on the “big sale” that never closes, they’re wasting time that they could very well be using to close other opportunities. “Unqualified leads are not worth following up on.” Really. Most successful lead qualification programs employ a lead rating system. For example, an "A" lead might meet all of your company's criteria.
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