Useful extended materials on the report "Content that will sell more when promoting a site" at "iForum 2023". The content on the page is of extreme importance, let's figure out together what can be done with the content of the page so that it sells more now and performs well in search engines.
Video reports
Advanced material
Useful links
Video reports
Presentation of the report
Useful content
Content strategy checklist
High-quality preparation of the semantics: collecting pakistan phone number library semantics from several sources, filtering out unnecessary ones, involving key generation
Clustering and distribution: we cluster logically and by tops, we distribute keys by pages
Content writing for SJ: high-quality copywriting and internal text optimization, spell checking
Media content preparation: preparation of videos, images, videos, presentations, files
High-quality content: formatting, checking on different devices
Structure: understandable logical URLs containing keys
Navigation: internal anchors and linking
Unaryness: checking whether all necessary keys are present on the page, checking competitors, LSI
Checking relevant URLs in SERP: was the clustering correct, what needs to be fixed?
Competitor analysis: peeking at chips, keys, code and design elements
Further optimization: introducing new code, texts, media to pages
Conversion analysis: Google Analytics, GTM, CRM, CTR, Impressions, etc.
Main points of the presentation:
People buy from people
AI won't sell better than you
Bot doesn't care, but you don't!
It matters who is behind the product.
SEO will still work
Currently ChatGPT, then T9 on max.
AI won't replace copywriters and SEOs for now
AI assistant in SEO, PPC, SERM, SMM
There is a possibility of PEO appearing
PEO (Promt Engine Optimization) - optimization and promotion of content so that after certain prompts, AI gives you the results you need (c) Gushcha Taras
Google already sanctions AI reviews...
The role of EEAT and links will increase
ChatGPT started scanning the network
You can block the site from the ChatGPT bot with a directive in robots.txt
User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /
Every page should be a landing page
1 Page = 1 Offer
Anyone can understand UTP
Landing Page Elements: Triggers + Media Content + OnPage SEO
It is important to conduct ABC testing and MVT
Deep analytics: GA4, GTM, CRM
Landing page elements and list of triggers:
Maximum communication types