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Large amount of data. Decompose all information, store all data in a special folder that is divided into understandable

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:42 am
by ritu790
Link building: organic link appearances, appearances at events, PR links from the media, etc.;

Fixing site code and files: manipulating robots.txt, .htaccess, JS, HTML, CSS, adding external services (e.g. HotJar, SaaS via iframe), etc.;

Adding new pages , products, categories, filters, etc.

Data processing automation is required: templates for adjusting Title, Meta, OG Properties, etc., synchronization of products with marketplaces and warehouses, integration with various SaaS.

Writing relevant, high-quality landing page content that includes unigrams, triggers, and space for relinking. There are a lot of clusters and keywords, so you need to fill a lot of pages. That's why we recommend setting priorities, creating a content plan, and gradually filling the site step by step.
Special landing page design. Provide such a design for the pages that even without texts they look normal. If, for example, these are pages of products, services, specific geographies or something else, add icons there, display H1, price, terms of delivery and purchase, etc.
Important! It is important to remember that the purpose of content on a page is not to simply place text for the sake of text, but to provide the user with useful information in a convenient form that will interest them and help convert them into a customer.

Link building on a large number of pages. Due to the fact that there are many pages, it is necessary to disperse the link profile quite a lot. With a small SY, it is easy to put links on a limited number of pages, but with an increase in the number of pages, a situation arises when anchor links can become abundant. Therefore, we recommend pumping the general trust of the site without an anchor, as well as pumping the site categories with common unigrams. It is important to use LPU so that the URL also contains some kind of anchor when placing links in the form of a page address.
Resolving issues with GSC alerts: monitor alerts and try to resolve them, you may need to edit robots.txt to reduce alerts on search pages, sorting pages, or elsewhere. Certain features of critical and non-critical alerts may occur in GSC for online stores - more about them below.
Product reviews and ratings. Non-critical "yellow" GSC alerts may also appear on store product pages due to the lack of ratings, ratings, gtin, shipping and return terms. It should also be noted that critical alerts may appear if there are no images and prices for products - monitor this and fix it as soon as possible.
High-quality images and media content. For all products and services, try to make the highest quality images possible. The number of images per product plays a positive role in the perception of the landing page by the assessor, as well as the potential customer. Therefore, we recommend adding more high-quality photos for each product, and if possible, place more videos on the page.
Complete and partial duplicate pages due to filters, tags, etc. Uniqueness of site pages is one of the key points in the process of site optimization. Therefore, attention should be paid to the formation of Title, meta, descriptions and content of pages. In the case when it is necessary to work on the uniqueness of a large site with thousands of pages, a good solution would be to prepare template recommendations for each individual type of page. By using variables in templates, you can quickly and effectively influence the SEO indicators of a large number of site pages.
A large number of low-quality pages. You need to constantly improve your pages - periodically go through the HTML map of your site and highlight where and what can be improved. Pay attention to the presence of high-quality images, texts, H1-H6, price, availability of reviews, rating, tables, etc.
Complex technical part. Usually large sites have complex technical solutions, even when using a standard CMS. The best solution to this issue is inHouse project specialists or a cool OutSourcing team that developed this particular site and has the ability to support it in the future.
There may be problems with indexing a large number of pages by search engines. You can improve indexing by increasing the number of sitemap.xml and expanding HTML sitemaps, you also need to put links to the categories and subcategories of the site. Do not forget that the pages should be accessible in a few clicks from the main one + do not forget to make redirections through the content on the pages.
Large depth of page nesting. This point can be solved by using special navigation pages on the website, as well as by reducing the nested structure of the site. Another option is to use a "wide" website menu, when categories and subcategories are immediately available from all pages via a special button. Additionally, you can create navigation pages by product/service areas, brands, geography, etc.
Expanding the site structure with typical pages for assessors and users. Many people forget about EEAT. Therefore, you should study this issue and use special pages in order to increase the assessment from assessors and raise the level of perception of your site by users. Such pages include: a qualitatively formed contact page, privacy policy, funds transfer, company mission, team, payment and delivery terms, etc.
Internal linking. Improving internal linking can improve the positions of certain pages, as well as add the possibility of promotion by NL. When your site is millions of links that refer to each other throughout the site, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the highest priority pages receive the largest number of mentions. With the help of such internal links, you can significantly increase NL, and then get quite a lot of organic traffic. It is important to conduct an audit of the internal linking of the entire resource to understand the current situation, as well as to form an idea of ​​​​the tasks of its optimization. Form a list of all internal links, a list of NL and UL queries, and then form a strategy for increasing internal linking.
Improve user experience: Use analytics to improve website user experience and behavioral factors.
Promoting pages with potential. Such pages include conversion pages, as well as pages that have a large number of impressions according to GSC, but low CTR and Clicks.
Conduct a structural analysis to improve indexing and weight redistribution.
Competently assess usability - for this, you can engage external resources for auditing, as well as constantly monitor user paths through GA4 and HotJar.
Engage in technical optimization of the site: you kazakhstan phone number resource need to improve the parameters PageSpeed, CLS and LCP, FID, FCP, INP, TTFB, etc.
Quality link building - pay close attention to strong links and organic links, encourage users to link to you, never use spam or black link building methods, use the services of only proven link builders. Remember that quality is more important than quantity.
Advantages of large sites:
Many landing pages;
Great semantics;
Often a cool inHouse team;
The ability to achieve great results;
A serious case in the portfolio;
Usually a normal budget for SEO;
Analytics and demand.
Therefore, promoting large sites, although difficult, is very interesting and promising.


What is needed for success?
Relevant experience;
Perseverance, order and endurance;
Automate as many processes as possible;
Advanced analytics;
Clear plans and objectives;
Accurate assessment of the scale of the work.
Our SEO.UA team will be happy to talk to you about promoting your large site. We promote sites in any cities and countries: if you need site promotion in Lviv , Kyiv, Ternopil or another city or throughout Ukraine, we can help you. We guarantee responsibility and focus on results. Over 20 years of experience in promotion, which allows us to approach any project from a pragmatic and reasonable point of view. Call and write to us.