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For the European Internet sector

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:06 am
In particular for SMEs , interoperability makes it possible to reduce the barriers to competition created by the single-vendor lock-in of established user bases, whether due to network effects or closed proprietary solutions. New and innovative solutions can be brought to market. Interoperability is key to ensuring Europe's competitiveness in the digital transformation.

For citizens , interoperability means a greater range of available options, since it gives them the possibility, independently of the choices of their peers , to choose the offer that best suits them and that best fits their own values, needs and preferences, such as privacy or accessibility.

Historically, the EU has been successful in requiring list of argentina whatsapp phone numbers and pioneering interoperability in such important ICT markets as:

Telecos (local loop unbundling or LLU),
Financial technologies (payment services directive 2), and
Web browsers (both supporting W3C standards and forcing Microsoft to allow interoperability with its operating system).


We therefore support the Commission’s suggestion to implement interoperability requirements extensively as a regulatory tool to improve efficiency, competition and choice in its most recent strategies in several regulatory areas. For example, we very much welcome the fact that the Digital Future Communication specifically mentions interoperability as part of digital health efforts in 5G and 6G, eIS, supercomputing, quantum technologies, blockchain, pan-European cloud-based services and electronic health record exchange. We also welcome the communication on “A European Strategy for Data” which recognises that interoperability is key to exploiting the value of data and also a tool to increase the level of competition by facilitating the shift between cloud-based service providers.