How and when to use the Plus address?

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[email protected]
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How and when to use the Plus address?

Post by [email protected] »

So far we have explained what plus addressing is. But why is it useful? And when should you use it?

There are 2 main use cases for additional addressing: keeping your inbox organized and tracking spammers.

Let's explore both.

Keeping your inbox organized
Additionally, addressing combined with filters is list of austria whatsapp phone numbers a great way to keep your inbox organized. Let's look at an example.

Let's say I want to subscribe to the New York Times newsletter:

Subscription to a newsletter with a plus address
Subscription to a newsletter with a plus address
In this example, we added “+nyt” to the primary email address. This will indicate that all emails arriving at this address are from the New York Times.

The registration is then completed and it is confirmed that the first email had indeed arrived in my inbox:


example of using plus addressing
The first email actually arrives in the inbox
Finally, I created a filter so that all emails from the New York Times are sent to a specific folder called NYT.
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