Seeking to solve this in the short time we have to plan in this quarantine, many companies are migrating a large part of their operations to a chat center, in media that their clients prefer such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or even RCS.
With the right technology, a chat center can operate with agents from home, measured and recorded as if they were in the office, and without having to set up an acoustically isolated office.
Thus, COVID-19 is being the catalyst that many companies around the whatsapp number list world needed to explore new technologies for communication with customers and collaborators, as well as process automation tools.
Glossary of terms.
What is a bot? The word bot comes from "ro-bot". A bot is a robot that helps us automate a process, for example, a balance inquiry, an order request, or a sales or follow-up task.
What is artificial intelligence? It is the ability of bots to learn from data. Recently, great improvements have been made in this field, allowing bots to learn from training with previous conversations.