he importance of the editorial calendar

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he importance of the editorial calendar

Post by siyam12 »

The goal is achieved: from keyword research comes the list of useful titles to collect the objectives defined beforehand. In this document you can define the rhythm of publications, the tasks of the various bloggers and web writers, operational details such as categories to add and tag titles to fill in.

What are the best tools to create a writing calendar? In most cases you can rely on a good Excel file but there are complex editorial projects that need space to manage more information. So it is easy to need to rely on tools like Asana, Google Calendar and Trello that offer great potential especially for the editorial staff of bloggers and journalists.

Relationship between copywriting and SEO
The reasons for creating an editorial plan go beyond the good organization of titles. Every self-respecting SEO strategy needs good content and the editorial plan allows you to create clear rules to avoid major problems and take advantage of all the resources of a continuous process:

As already suggested, the editorial plan allows you to avoid titles that may enter into competition with other publications, perhaps thanks to a check to be carried out with the convenient JFactor tool by Qatar Phone Numbers
Filippo Jatta that correlates two SERPs with different queries to discover if there are similar results.

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SERP comparison example with JFactor
Furthermore, compiling an editorial calendar allows you to evaluate the presence of recurring themes, topics that always return in the same periods of the year. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the possibility of creating a single content and constantly updating it to avoid useless photocopy publications that would only increase the list of contents capable of cannibalizing themselves .

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Example: Managing a Recurring Theme
The topic is the final exam. Every year the interest in this topic always resurfaces during the same period. So, does it make sense to publish an article every year dedicated to how to pass the final exam ? Maybe it would be better to update the old one, rewrite it and republish it.

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Perhaps reinforcing it with a series of internal links that come from articles dedicated to the news of the year in question that can also have a large space on Google News and the Discover section .

Reflections like this are essential for advanced on-page optimization, I would say strategic. But it is impossible to operate in this direction without an editorial plan. That's why you need to develop it to the best of your ability.


Do you want to work in this direction?
We understood that the editorial plan is a document that can be shared with the client or other collaborators, and that it plays a fundamental role in understanding what, how and why to publish.

Its operational section – namely the SEO friendly calendar – does not limit itself to listing the titles and dates that bloggers must respect: it helps manage the contents in order to avoid unpleasant overlaps .

But it also allows you to develop an editorial line capable of intercepting favorable periods, trends and opportunities to gain traffic with great strategy. In your opinion, is there a way to delve deeper into this topic? Should keyword research go hand in hand with editorial planning? Contact me to address this topic for your o
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