Results of this performance tool

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Results of this performance tool

Post by siyam12 »

Whether from a browser extension or through Chrome DevTools (Command+Option+C for Mac or Control+Shift+C for other OS), the results returned by this tool are really interesting.

Especially in light of the fact that today performance analysis is not limited to loading speed. Which is always fundamental but travels, at least if you want to think in terms of real optimization, together with a series of parameters well analyzed by Lighthouse Google. Namely?

The first item taken into consideration by this tool is, of course, that of performance in terms of speed. Yes, we must not only see this. But you cannot ignore the fact that Google always adds a series of metrics that record the behavior of a website more precisely.

lighthouse chrome extension
So, in addition to the classic Speed ​​Index and First Contentful Paint, you now also get Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) which address the aforementioned Web Core Vitals topic.

One more point to remember. Before starting your test, you can choose between desktop and mobile devices . In order to have increasingly precise results based on the real needs of the user.

That's right, Google's Lighthouse also gives you some russia phone numbers
advice on search engine optimization. An interesting aspect, it's always useful to have advice from authoritative sources. What does the report suggest? What are the items of this SEO audit ? Basic elements of on-page optimization such as:

Tag title.
Meta description.
SEO for images.
Anchor text.
Yes, Google Lighthouse suggests the presence of texts that are still not very descriptive and that can lead to problems in interpreting links. The evaluation of robots.txt is important to discover indexing anomalies of your resource and the presence of alt tags in images.

Best Practices
An entry that takes into account some aspects related to the security of the website, if the resources present are secure (even at the database level) and if the ideal encryption certificates for a given reality are used. The application does a test to verify the vulnerability in the JavaScript libraries.

But not only that, it actually evaluates the presence of suspicious outgoing links, a test for now deprecated APIs and other aspects necessary to always have an effective website at your service.

Often this item is completely ignored to expand towards more captivating concepts. In reality, space should always be given to accessibility, a set of techniques that allow a website to be consulted at all times. What is evaluated in this phase of the analysis?


lighthouse google page speed
Everything that helps people to consult a web document easily, such as the description used on the buttons and the contrast between the font color and the background color. These are details that cannot and should not be ignored if you want to improve the user experience (UX) .

Progressive Web App
Section dedicated, as the name suggests, to web applications and is tested in order to simulate real use. Does the analyzed element load quickly from mobile? Does it offer a secure connection ? The answers come, along with other numbers, thanks to the analysis of Lighthouse.

Google Lighthouse: How to use the data?
A useful thought to conclude the overview related to this tool. Now you have a complete analysis of the website , how to exploit it? The idea is not to limit yourself to following the instructions one-off but to use the information of this tool to start a process of constant analysis and optimization.

Following a continuous Deming cycle , the work to be done on a site does not stop at a single optimization but at the study of solutions to proceed towards a continuous improvement of performance. Do you agree with this point of view? How do you usually proceed?

Sources for further information on Lighthouse
How to read performance scores
What is Google DevTools and how does it work?
What are Google Web V
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