Take a vacation from mobile devices

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Take a vacation from mobile devices

Post by PrisilaED »

Delete applications There are apps on our phones that waste our time. If we are unable to turn off our phones, then it is wise to delete some of those time-wasting apps, particularly some social media platforms so that the mobile phone becomes more boring.

If we are going to put technology aside, then we should fill that free time industry email list name with something more productive. If we are going for a walk, playing sports, learning crafts or visiting a friend, we are unlikely to be tempted to check our social media profile.

If we want to make changes in a more gradual and less abrupt way, we can try a digital vacation. This means going to a place where it is fashionable to disconnect from mobile devices and leave them at the reception desk.


More and more brands are promoting digital detox
A few months ago, Polar beer joined this detox trend and with good results for its consumers. Polar joined forces with its marketing agency to create a cell phone deactivator that was placed in the bars and restaurants where the beer was served. The idea was that people would purposely put their smartphones aside and be able to interact more with each other. The motto “the more I am with friends and there is Polar beer, nothing should be more important” had a global impact and, most importantly, touched the conscience of many .
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