Professor of the Communication Strategies course at the University of the Pacific. Executive Director of KM2/Consumer Innovation
A little more than twenty years after fusion database the official appearance of the Internet (1994) as we know it (www), and a little more than ten years after the appearance of Facebook (2004), we are still in a relentless and growing process of technological innovation that surprises us every day.
Technological innovation that is leading us to live in a world that is both real and virtual, in which marketing is driven towards new scenarios and has new resources that require more intelligent processes, more Smart…keting , where the only constant is change and the only thing that is not constant is the speed of change.
The first scenario is given by information and knowledge generation, where we experience the Big Data phenomenon, and as a consequence, the need for business intelligence processes in the search for predictability of behavior based on user/customer profiles: who they are, what they are like, where they are, what they buy, what they don't buy, when they buy, how much they buy, why they buy, when they will buy again, etc. Not in vain, among the latest international conferences given at the Universidad del Pacífico, we have had New trends in Big Data and Analytics (26/08) and Digital Policy of Korea: Issues of Challenges (29/08). In the latter, the Korean professor Park highlighted the great need for specialized talent in Big Data for the coming years.
Amazon ( ) stands out as the pioneer, which since its beginnings (1995) has worked based on algorithms that analyze the browsing and purchasing behavior of users ─through cookies─. Amazon is dispatching the order before it has even been requested . According to the preferences (user profile), the company offers products and services, to the point of betting on reducing delivery times through pre-distribution centers, based on predictive algorithms in order to deliver products to areas where they already know that they will be ordered.
Today, marketing teams need to rely on analysts (engineers, mathematicians, statisticians) to exploit analysis, prediction and measurement tools. Measurement because “ you cannot improve what you do not control, you cannot control what you do not measure, and you cannot measure what you do not define.” (1) .
There are many tools available, from the same analytics from Google, Facebook or MailChimp, to comprehensive solutions such as Microsoft's Power BI for the development of algorithms, or more specialized ones such as Zopi, Lucky Orange, Clicktale, 4Q-Iperceptions, Compete, Improvely, among others.
The convergence of increasing computing power, big data, and machine learning is beginning to change our relationship with technology and with each other.
A second scenario is in the field of interaction and communication, where brand-consumer relationships are being redefined by the omnipresent omnichannel. We live surrounded by and interact with multiple real and virtual media, from conventional mass media to everything that happens on the Internet through the increasingly powerful mobile device.
The possibility of generating connections and experiences is extensive, before, during and after the moment of truth: the purchase. Although in the whirlwind of modern life we have to face the scarcity of time, everyone 's time. That is why marketing strategies must be not only creative, but increasingly smart: Smart keting .
Smartketing, the digital era and beyond (part 1).
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