Television vs. Internet

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Television vs. Internet

Post by sinthiya023 »

Who do you love more, TV or the Internet?” Through this simple and friendly question we will find very interesting answers that will reflect a very clear generational trend: the current generation watches less and less television .

It certainly doesn't take much research to realize this. Every day, more and more content from television sources is re-transmitted via the Web – Netflix is ​​a clear example of this. Not to mention the clearest example of the paradoxes in advertising: television itself, a monster of on-screen advertising for decades, now finds itself having to promote itself via the YouTube screen.

YouTube vs. TV

In a similar way to what happened with radio, traditional television is beginning to be displaced by different devices with Internet connectivity. If we take this into account, it seems that a kind of symbiosis is being generated where television content is now transmitted over the Internet, and Internet browsing is done through televisions. This is where smart TV and the Internet of Things (IoT) appear to combine both functionalities within a single experience .

Aereo allows users to connect to a distant antenna — a tiny device that acts like an old set of rabbit ears — and watch broadcast TV channels on their computer, tablet or smartphone. Currently the service is available only in New York City, and it's embroiled in legal complications

Recent studies show that Mexicans spend more than twice as much time on the Internet as on traditional media . Today's users directly access the Internet to consume the content netherlands whatsapp number data they are looking for. They no longer depend on the content programmed by television stations or on their schedules; they themselves now decide what, how and when they consume their content.


Just like the different traditional media such as radio and the written press, television is betting on positioning its content within the network of networks . By transporting its products to this digital medium, it offers its viewers an alternative to consume both its live broadcasts and to access large archives of its own programming.


In this way, thanks to the new resources available for web browsing, a new means of communication has been designed. The Internet has evolved by taking advantage of the characteristics of each of the traditional media .
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