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Whichever way you decide to use streaming video

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:02 am
by pappu824
Comprehensibility. Video is quickly becoming the dominant medium in the digital content world, in part because of its comprehensibility. People find it much easier to watch a video that lasts a few minutes than to read several paragraphs of written information. This is because humans are visual creatures, and we can process visual information much faster than written information.
Accessibility. Video is also becoming more accessible. Thanks to better internet connections and more sophisticated technology, people can easily watch videos on almost any device. Plus, marketers are discovering how easy it is to produce high-quality videos from scratch, so there is more competitive pressure for companies to improve their video creation.
Immediacy. One of the biggest advantages of live streaming video, compared to static, pre-created videos, is the sense of immediacy it provides. Instead of releasing a video several days after an event, you list of telegram users in netherlands can stream it directly. Your audience is engaged on the day of the event, rather than losing enthusiasm over the course of several days or weeks. In fact, this is one of the best ways to take advantage of another digital marketing trend: the rise of hybrid events.
Hybrid events
What exactly is a hybrid event ?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, events were almost exclusively held in a physical, in-person setting, forcing attendees to leave their homes and gather in person. During the COVID-19 pandemic, everything changed, and event organizers began optimizing their events to be purely digital experiences.

Now that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, we are beginning to enter a new era where events exist both virtually and physically. Companies are planning to host in-person events, such as trade shows and conferences, with digital options for those who want to attend remotely. These types of events have the potential to reach a much wider audience if done right. This means hosting and promoting two slightly different versions of the same event, potentially to different audience segments.

Geofencing and hyperlocalization
For the past few years, businesses have been practicing local optimization, fine-tuning their digital marketing strategies to appeal to people in a specific city. But in 2022 and beyond, traditional local optimization may not be enough to reach your full potential.


Instead, you may need to practice geofencing , which allows you to draw imaginary boundaries around an area that represents your business’s territory. When someone crosses one of these boundaries and comes within physical proximity of your business, you can target them specifically with push notifications , emails, or other forms of marketing. It’s a simple yet effective way to capitalize on nearby audiences.

Are you preparing to compete with your main rivals in 2022? Do you need better technological tools to support your latest digital marketing tactics? Sign up for free at and start reinventing your campaigns for the modern era!