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Writing to sell in 8 practical exercises

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:43 am
by sakib30
How to stand out from the noise?

How to stand out in a world full of ads, offers and promotions?

Stand out to sell.

The answer, although it may seem simple, requires a mix of art and science: persuasive writing.

The ability to write with purpose, appealing not only to logic but also to emotions.

This can be the difference between a potential belgium phone number data customer passing you by and one who decides to take the plunge and become a real customer.


In this article I propose 8 practical exercises.

With them you will discover how to transform simple words into messages that persuade and convince.

So you can stand out from the noise.

1 The importance of persuasive writing in marketing and sales
1.1 Example: Comparison between a generic and a persuasive advertisement
2 Exercise 1: Rewriting old ads
2.1 Process:
2.2 Example: Transformation of a classic Coca-Cola advertisement
3 Exercise 2: Attention-grabbing headlines
3.1 To create attractive headlines, it is useful to employ tactics such as:
3.2 Example: Improving a headline about a new smartphone
4 Exercise 3: Irresistible Calls to Action (CTA)
4.1 Convert prospects into buyers with effective CTAs:
4.2 Example: CTA of an online store before and after optimization
5 Exercise 4: Persuasive email marketing messages
5.1 Copywriting that motivates opening and action in emails
5.2 Example: Improving a promotional email from a clothing store
6 Exercise 5: Product descriptions that make you fall in love
6.1 The difference between describing and selling a product:
6.2 To write descriptions that people love:
6.3 Example: Description of a luxury watch before and after optimization
7 Exercise 6: Brand narrative
7.1 Connect emotionally through brand stories
7.2 Example: Short story about the beginnings of an artisanal coffee brand
8 Exercise 7: Emotional Writing
8.1 The psychology behind purchasing decisions
8.2 Example: Life insurance advertising that appeals to family protection
9 Exercise 8: Writing with restrictions
9.1 Example: Promotional message about a limited offer in only 10 words
10 Conclusion
The importance of persuasive writing in marketing and sales
Persuasive writing is more than just writing well.

It's understanding your audience's motivations, wants, and needs and speaking directly to those motivations, wants, and needs.

In marketing and sales , every word chosen has the ability to bring a potential customer closer or further away.

And in a world where attention is a scarce and valuable resource, having a message that captures and retains that attention is essential.