Gonzalo is an expert in taxation and has experience as a blogger on various channels where he discusses economics.
In this post you can discover how to face a job interview in times of coronavirus.
The mask limits the possibilities of non-verbal communication.
Flexibility and adaptation are key in these times.
A job interview in times of coronavirus is not without its own special features. Candidates must be able to show that they are the right people to fill the vacancies at this time.
It is therefore important algeria email list 1.76 million contact leads to be clear about some of the peculiarities of job interviews that are carried out in this context. Let's look at the main tips .
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Job interview
Candidate arriving at the job interview with a confident and self-assured expression.
Adapting to the job interview during the coronavirus pandemic
Adaptation and flexibility are two of the key words of the moment. And they must manifest themselves in three directions :
In the interview itself . We must be flexible in adapting the format of the interview to the circumstances. It may be necessary to supplement the face-to-face part of the interview with other methods such as telephone conversation, video call, chats , email, etc. It is even possible that the meeting may have to be replaced by these or other alternatives.
Adapting to the company . Most companies have been experiencing a large number of transformations caused by socio-demographic, financial and technological changes for some time. The circumstances of recent months have further highlighted the need for their employees to show flexibility in the face of change .
Oneself as an adaptation factor . We must be able to convey that our incorporation into the workforce brings an extra level of flexibility . It is not only about receiving positively the indications of change, but also about being proactive. In these times, employees who know how to move with agility in complex and changing contexts are highly valued .
In a complex and changing context, being flexible is a necessity
Hygiene as a signal
Companies do not know everything about us when we go to an interview. However, they must look for a sufficient set of information to give them an idea of our qualities. In short, there are signs that guide us as to what we are like.
The current COVID-19 hygiene measures are a sign that we understand the rules and pay attention to details. They provide information about our level of attention and concentration.
Compliance with hygiene standards signals our ability to assimilate business protocols
Someone who is able to internalize a hygiene protocol and make it part of their habits is likely to be a conscientious worker . Most compliant people may also be better at following the company's internal protocols.
Furthermore, neglecting hygiene during a face-to-face phase can be perceived as a risk for the interviewer . Minimizing the probability of contagion is a gesture of courtesy that encourages empathy.
Smart working as a topic in the interview
In the current COVID -19 environment , the need to define smart working methods is becoming more evident. The vicissitudes of what happens between people living in the same household have repercussions on the company. Reconciling what happens inside and outside of work is a way to improve both the lives of workers and their performance .
The job interview can be an opportunity to get closer to smart working
But today we know that smart working has many options and that it is the result of successive approaches . The company and the employee look for alternatives that optimize the fit. The interview can be a good opportunity to exchange first impressions on the subject .
The mask: another part of the wardrobe
Depending on the job we are applying for, there are different customs and trends . When putting on a mask, similar observations must be taken into account.
In a very formal job, it is preferable to choose a surgical mask or a reusable one in neutral tones and sober shapes . Clothing in general is a risk and the way to minimize it is to choose items for general use.
If you are applying for a creative position where originality is highly valued, it may be a good idea to make a personal choice for a mask that can surprise. In this case, you have to consider the alignment with the company's values . It is not just about offering something different, but also about having a positive impact on your interlocutor.
In certain positions related to social and environmental commitments of companies, for example, masks with motifs related to the specific cause may be interesting. In any case, they should not bear logos, slogans or other signs related to competitors. In addition, a credible commitment must be conveyed throughout the interview .