We use web addresses every day , but most of the time we don't stop to think about what a URL is or how it works to take us exactly where we want to go every time. Don't miss the complete guide on URLs that we have prepared for you, you won't believe that you had all this information right under your nose the whole time!
What is a URL? Meaning and Function
You've been hearing about URLs for more than half your life, but most likely many of you still confuse this concept with that of a web domain. Today you won't leave here without knowing exactly what a URL is and what role it plays - you'll see!
What is URL in computing and web pages?
URLs have been used for decades in computing and web pages to refer to the unique address that identifies a particular page or resource on the Internet . That is, when you click on a link, the browser interprets the associated URL and loads the corresponding page or resource. The history of URLs dates back to the beginnings of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, when Tim Berners-Lee proposed the concept of URLs as part of the web's addressing system. In their early versions, URLs had a simpler structur czechia business email list e and consisted of the combination of the server name and the file name. However, as the web grew in size and complexity, more components were added to URLs to allow greater specificity in the location of resources . URLs are therefore fundamental to web navigation and the accessibility of online content, and are also used in other computing contexts, such as downloading files, exchanging information and communicating between systems . Over the years, URLs have evolved and adapted to meet the changing needs of the web. New protocols and URL schemes have emerged, such as https:// to ensure secure communications, and norms and standards have been established to ensure compatibility and interoperability between different systems and web browsers.
What does URL mean?
The acronym URL corresponds to the English words Uniform Resource Locator , which in Spanish means Uniform Resource Locator . The concept was named this way because it gives a name to the unique address that identifies a page or resource on the Internet. A URL is composed of several components that allow you to locate and access a specific resource on the web.
What are the differences between URL, URI and URN?
Although they may be confused due to the similarity between their acronyms, these three elements are very different from each other and it is worth knowing why.
A URI , from Uniform Resource Identifier , is an identifier that can be either a URL or a URN .
A Uniform Resource Locator , which is what URL stands for, provides the location of a resource on the web , including the protocol and specific address.
As for the URN , Uniform Resource Name , it is used to name a resource uniquely without indicating its location .
Types of URLs
URLs can be absolute or relative.
An absolute URL provides a complete address , including the protocol, domain, and path to the resource.
A relative URL relies on the current location of the document to complete the address .
The main difference between the two types, therefore, is that absolute URLs are always complete and precise, while relative URLs depend on the context in which they are found.
Specific URL uses
Now that we've told you what a URL is and what it's used for , let's look at some of its specific uses and how to get the most out of them.
What is URL on YouTube?
The YouTube URL , like the URL of any other web page, is the address that identifies a specific video or channel on Google's video streaming platform .