In the case of a pricing error in an online store, two legal orders come into contact: the protection of the seller's interests and the rights of the consumer. So what does the situation look like from the turkish number for whatsapp point of view of both parties?
Seller's rights in the event of a pricing error
Have you ever had a pricing error? As a seller running an e-shop, you are not completely helpless in such a case.
The law provides that in certain situations you may refuse to process an order, especially when the error in the price of the goods is obvious and the customers notice the error and are aware of it.
The legal basis is Article 84 of the Civil Code, which provides for the possibility of avoiding the effects of a declaration of intent made under the influence of error. In order for the store owner to be able to invoke this article:
the error must be material – for example, the price of a luxury watch is PLN 100 instead of PLN 10,000;
the error must be noticeable to the consumer – the amount must clearly differ from the market value of the product.
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In practice, this means that the seller can invalidate the sales contract if they can prove that the mistake was accidental and not the result of deliberate misrepresentation. An important defense tool can also be a well-constructed online store's regulations, which should include provisions reserving the right to correct pricing errors.