Protecting intellectual property

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Protecting intellectual property

Post by arzina544 »

The role of (technical) education.
The availability of venture capital and grants.
The development of cybersecurity.

The international co-promotion of our knowledge.
3. The impact of digitalization on society and citizens
The role of the government here is to reach all citizens. The government must support them in using digital resources and provide sufficient protection. The ministry must concern itself with matters such as:

Setting up a central system to support citizens (such as a citizen platform).
Introducing and monitoring a digital identity for every citizen.
Supporting and informing citizens.
A coordinated approach to cybercrime and raising awareness for it.
Monitoring and expanding the ongoing approach to cyberterrorism.
Initiating legislation and regulations that do justice to the characteristics of digitalization.
A pragmatic view on protecting privacy, including the creation of a new law.
Monitoring and tackling fake news and manipulation, and helping citizens to recognize them.
Ensuring that companies have the safety of their automation in order.
Coordinated activities to ensure cybersecurity of critical systems.
DigiD and the Dutch Data Protection Authority as part of the ministry
These are the main tasks of a Ministry of Digital iraq telegram data Affairs, but that is not all. It will also be responsible for supervising all organisations that use the DigID as secure access to many online facilities and the online central availability of sensitive personal data.

This also includes the step to make the Dutch Data Protection Authority part of this ministry. Privacy matters will increasingly be related to online developments. Moreover, this ministry must be above the parties and, among other things, supervise all ministries' digital activities.


Wanted: Minister with knowledge, experience, vision and leadership
This ministry will have to be headed by a person with knowledge, experience, vision and leadership to bring all government agencies together and to realize a consistent policy. This should not be a political appointment! The ministry will be given powers to carry out its tasks across the boundaries of ministries.

Without such central control, digitalisation will further undermine society. A process that has been going on in society for some time, until now not sufficiently understood by politics.
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