I'll start recruiting clients in March and won't take on any new ones until autumn.
But here it is important to adhere to these restrictions; if sales continue after the designated limits, the trigger will not work.
Herd mentality, common involvement in something
Man is a social being, and it is normal for him to be where everyone else is.
For example. You walk down the street past a store. It says on the window: “Discounts up to 50%.” You look in — it’s empty, not a single customer. You think: “It’s all clear, the price, even with the discount, is far from affordable.”
You look into another shop - simpler. People are milling about. The reason is a large selection of inexpensive goods. I'll go in, maybe I'll see something decent.
So here, the user wants to buy at a discount either something that many people like, or something that their idols wear.
All French fashionistas wear skirts like these.
More than 10,000 Ukrainians have already purchased this smartphone model.
One of the basic levels of Maslow's pyramid is safety. Fear is a threat, so it needs to be closed.
Fear drives you to do the proposed action as quickly as possible.
This is the best-selling laptop model. If you don't buy it now, it will be sold out.
If you don't take care of your TG now, it will be too late. Competitors will occupy all the niches, and the lead will be much more expensive.
Despite his sociality, man strives to be exclusive.
This can be given to him by a VIP account, unique handmade items or a luxury handbag that only special clients can receive.
Thus, Chanel and Hermes are known for their exclusivity.
Still from the video on the main page of the Hermes website
Gifts for clients
Unexpected gifts will make you want to thank the seller and come back to him again and again.
This could be free access to a specific product.
An additional small gift with the purchase that was not included in the original.
Curiosity will make the user: watch/read to the end, subscribe to the newsletter/sign up for a course or webinar to find out the most interesting things.
If you enroll in my course, you will learn all 33 ways to become successful.
I made the perfect cheesecake today. Want to know how? Read on.
Here the effect is that the person will be the first to receive the new thing. He will have something that others do not have.
This may not only be a product, but also some kind of experiment on a social network, a new service, a unique training, etc.
This trigger is very often used in sales.
Big discounts, third item as a gift, “Black Friday” or just unique benefits. This is a powerful trigger that can increase sales several times.
Authority of opinion
The user always trusts more an expert in a certain field or a famous person.
What will you read faster - an article written by a leading Kyiv dentist, or a no-name text on the same topic. Of course, the former!
Авторитетность мнения
This trigger is based on the age of your target audience. Each generation has its own stereotypes.
For example, women 45+ are more likely to buy self-medication products: herbs, dietary supplements, etc.
Many girls over 20 believe in nutrition.
Here is an example of how to interest and use stereotypes in reverse.
This includes the pleasure offered when receiving a product/service, and the comfort that you will provide to the client (solving his problems, simplifying some tasks).
Lessons are not an hour long, but 20 minutes long.
I will fill out the brief for you, just answer my questions.
And this online store has made pleasure its USP.
Below is an example of simplifying the problem.
пример упрощения задачи
Result (before/after)
This is a strong visual trigger. If you use photos/graphics, then you don't even need words.
Weight loss, teeth, face - changes for the better will make you want to see the same specialist.
In text format, this trigger is also often used.
I was a poor student who was thinking about how to earn some extra money. And then I came across….
I hated my appearance until I met a virtuoso cosmetologist...
Up-sell and Cross-sell
Sales game - increasing sales and upselling additional goods/services.
In the first case, it is difficult to resist the offer of 5 for the price of 2, significant savings when purchasing a package of services, a subscription for a year instead of 1 month, etc.
In the second case, we additionally sell a smaller service/product along with the main one.
We are also selling a set of exercises for the back.
We also sell a hair styling brush for a hair dryer, etc.
Here we see a combination phone number database australia of triggers: pleasure + upselling + gift.
Up-sell и Cross-sell
Studying the audience
Before you start writing any text, it is important to know for whom. Therefore, without a portrait of the target audience, a commercial site will not go anywhere.
Segmentation of target audience
Anatoly Ulitovsky and Nikolay Shmichkov explained in an accessible way what a target audience is in this podcast.
Целевая Аудитория – Что это такое. Азбука Маркетинга | Урок #46
Let me get straight to the point. I will tell you how to segment the target audience and create its portrait.
It is important to divide the target audience into groups based on a number of key characteristics.
This will allow you to personalize advertising, maximize its effectiveness and reduce its cost.
audience are distinguished:
Knowing this data allows you to speak to each group in its language and meet its individual needs.
Thus, the content for men and women differs. Women respond more to emotional texts, men - to rational ones, with an emphasis on the authority and status of the product.
A 20-year-old state-funded student who lives on his scholarship and odd jobs and a 20-year-old contract student from a wealthy family have different interests, motivations and goals.
Advertising, for example, of language courses, will be different for schoolchildren and adults. These two groups have different needs and goals.
A 28-year-old bachelorette and a 28-year-old young mother are also two different users. It is important to consider the motivation of each of them when creating an ad.
Here is an example of female content.