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  Frequently asked questions or comments

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:39 am
by rosebaby50955
If you are an entrepreneur, what you are most interested in with your website is surely to publicize your business idea and attract the largest number of visitors who are interested in purchasing your product or service. For this reason, it is important that you communicate in a simple and concrete way what you want to make known. 

It is important to keep in mind that all websites and businesses are different, so some will need some additional information. Here are some sections that you should include, however, it will depend on the type of business you have to structure the information. 

Who we are: 
It will be of utmost importance that you have a session on your website that explains who you or your company are, what you do and a little about your history . It is important that your audience knows a little about your history, this generates empathy and credibility about your business.   

Solutions offered: 
Rather than offering your products or services to the visitor, it will be canadian colleges universities email list important to explain to them what benefits and solutions they would obtain by purchasing them . If you are thinking of an online store, there is no doubt that this would be the most important part of your website. 

It will also be important to have a space where visitors can quickly resolve their doubts about your business. If you have some loyal customers, try to collect their opinions about the product and publish them, this will also help generate empathy towards your brand. 


Contact forms
As an important point, you should also leave a space so that visitors can get in touch with you in a simple way. A contact form can be a great idea not only so that the public can communicate with you , but also to start creating a list of contacts interested in you. 

Step 4 – Audiovisual resources 
A website that has no resources other than just text can be quite heavy and difficult for the human eye to digest, so it is important that you use images or videos if possible to give your website a much lighter and more professional touch. 

But, “ how and where do I choose the images for my website?”



There are several free and paid image banks on the Internet. You should take into account the quality and size of the photos to avoid slowing down your website. It would be advisable to use images of a single style, to give a touch of uniformity to the website.